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Ultimate Home Gym for 2010

It’s been 4 years now since cancelling my gym membership at Gold’s Gym in Redondo Beach…and I’ve never been in better shape!

I went to the gym year after year to keep fit and get stronger for playing beach volleyball competitively…I was even a sponsored athlete with Gold’s Gym for 8 years (Santa Barbara and Venice locations). I actually have no beef with gym’s or gym-goers but I found that hitting the gym 3-5 times per week was too disruptive to my life and therefore decided to make a change and get in my workouts at home.

The departure from working out at the gym had the following up sides:

  • saved money on membership fees
  • saved money on parking fees (yes, parking costs money in California!)
  • saved money on gas to and from the gym
  • saved time spent getting to and from the gym
  • less exposure to sweat and germs left on equipment
  • no more frustration that the equipment I want to use is taken
  • no “prime time” hours and high-traffic hours to contend with
  • no more seasonal surges in membership to clog the facility with newbies and short-timers
  • no more annoying cell phone talkers yappin away while doing cardio simultaneously

Now that life’s distractions have been trimmed down by letting my membership expire it was time to find a worthy replacement for the thousands of pounds or training equipment I was accustomed to having access to (when not in use or out of order). Ironically enough, the solution for me was a piece of equipment that weighed less than two pounds and looked like a three-legged seatbelt – the TRX Suspension Trainer, a bodyweight-based fitness tool that uses your bodyweight and gravity as resistance to provide whole-body workout capability that’s functional in nature, core-intensive and made easy or extremely difficult depending on the user’s ability, desire and fitness goals.

Granted, Suspension Training took me 2-3 workouts in order to really get the hang of it but now that I’m a proficient TRX user, my workout options are endless…and I have no reason to ever spend money and join a gym again!

My investment in TRX cost $150 and the product has held up for over three years, even with regular use (3-5 times per week…and my wife uses it too). That’s a great return on investment when compared to 3-years worth of gym membership fees!

Check out my website, which is dedicated to helping people stay fit despite living a busy lifestyle. I hope TRX becomes your fitness solution and saviour from undesirable costs, hassel and lost time as well. Please comment and let me know how your life has improved with TRX added to your arsenal of fitness tools.

Here is a great 10-exercise workout routine I do all the time, usually with my wife…we just alternate and there are no plates to replace or re-rack, no pins or seats to adjust either. Enjoy!